eLive has been involved in the ECSEL NextPerception consortium project bringing new generation non-contact measurement technology for health and well-being applications.
One of the project’s main focuses has been on developing technologies to measure and monitor the well-being, behaviour and activities of individuals who need increased care and medical attention. One real life pilot has been the HealthGate monitoring system (HG), which is designed to monitor the movement, vital functions and functional ability of an elderly person unobtrusively in their home environment. Continuous home monitoring will enable early interventions and actions in e.g. suspected dehydration, mobility problems, non-optimal or missed medication and even illnesses.
HG uses three types of sensors: eLive’s film sensors, imaging FMCW radar, and a weight measurement system installed under a chair. eLive’s sensors were used in the bed and chair for non-contact measurement of a person’s vital functions. The patented, multi-channel measurement method detects micro-movements caused by vital functions ballistocardiographically, producing signals e.g. movement activity, heart rate, heart rate variability and breathing. The signals are used to generate analytics about, for example, sleep and recovery. On the other hand, it is possible to monitor, for example, the effect of medication on vital functions or disorders of vital functions caused by diseases.
Read more about the experiences gained from HealthGate by downloading the article from the link below. The article was presented at the AHFE International Conference in July in San Francisco and can be found in AHFE’s publications vol 79 Healthcare and Medical Devices. CEO Mikko Saajanlehto from eLive has been involved in the creation of the article.
Read more: http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003472
What is NextPerception?
NextPerception consortium has brought together a total of 43 partners from seven countries and it has been coordinated by the Technology Research Center VTT. The goal of the project has been to develop next generation smart perception sensors and enhance the distributed intelligence paradigm to build versatile, secure, reliable, and proactive human monitoring solutions for the health, wellbeing, and automotive domains. The project is funded partially by the European Commission and by national funding agencies. It resorts under the ECSEL joint undertaking.
More about NextPerception: https://www.nextperception.eu
Närväinen, J., Kortelainen, J., Urhemaa, T., Saajanlehto, M., Bäckman, K., Plomp, J. (2023). HealthGate: unobtrusive home monitoring of vital signs, weight and mobility of the elderly. In: Jay Kalra and Nancy Lightner (eds) Healthcare and Medical Devices. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 79. AHFE International, USA. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003472